Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm adventurous

I would describe myself as being adventurous, sometimes in an off beat way. I am open to trying pretty much anything at least once. My style does a complete 360; to dramatic, to classic, to casual. I love the arts and in particular the ballet and live theatre. Travelling is a passion. I have hostelled across Western Europe, solo to South America, cruised in the Caribbean to mention a few. Australia and Africa are on my list of musts. Going to Las Vegas in October. Therefore, I am looking for someone who either loves to travel or is ready to embark in this new experience.

You must be intelligent to first grab my attention. Friends and family are important to me and should be to you as well. I am looking for someone who is just as comfortable in a tux as a pair of jeans. Someone who enjoys a night out on the town or an evening spent at home fonduing with friends.


Lafrania said...

udah muncul lagi..
ga tahan lama2 ya? :P

Anang said...

wah blognya jd baru lg....

Rina said...

hemm...well new appearance ni yee, udah walking-walking around the world and it is time to share your experience-lah hehehe...jadi nggak puisi and sweet posting aja...;)

Ney said...

lho.... ini blog bener-bener di reset ato di hack orang yaaa....???

Monica Ria said...

Lho ... koq jadi lahir baru lagi, Dhie bener bukan sich nich .... kaya' bukan Dhie dech, what happen Dhie ?

nNie... said...

met sore...
dicariin tawu'y dah rehab total y??
knp pwisi'y ga d tampilin lg??
padahalkan baguz....

angga angelina said...

inih baru yah?? ga tahan nih lama2 hiatusnyaa??

hehe... welkumback!!

Ndy Pada said...

Kok baru, blognya??
Yg dulu ke mana?

vina said... it real dhie?
where are you, bro?

Wicky said...

Under-construction poo..? :p

nNie... said...


mampir niyh...
petualang toh?? pangeran lagi nyari permaisuri ya?? aku doain smoga cepet nemuin permaisuri yang cantik dan baik hati...
happy ending deh... :)


pyuriko said...

Koq jadi begini, jadi kehilangan mas Dhie yang puitisnya ..

Sendal Sepatu said...

kok templatenya jadi berubah mas, pie kabare? met beraktivitas ya..

Rey said...

teman2, ini bukan mas Dhie, ada yg mbajak blognya dia...

Loverock_MD said...

kayaknya beda deh..

.: Kartika :. said...

bagaimana ini, blognya barrruu!
ok i'll wait 4 another post then. Cya!

Lezna hangat said...

WAH..blognya kenapa DIBAKAR???/

Pelangi said...

Hi Dhie pa'kabar??? memang lama menghilang yach sama donk sama diriku...

atiya said...

berkunjung niy ... kok jd sederhana banget blognyah?

Monica Anggen said...

lamanya saya tak berkunjung kesinii
penampilan baru lagi yah mas. heheh

BINTANG motor sport said...

lha napa ya???

Samsjul Hudha said...

selamat jalan..!!??

felyina said...

Hi Hi HI... lama gak mampir ke sini. Mana toh postingan yang dulu2?

FIE said...

adventurous? including in looking for someone :)? met kenal ya pak..

Unknown said...

Apologize Once I Save Links In These Comments.
Thank You For The Information, Very Useful For My Sting, And I Wait For The Next New Article :).